About NEO

Founded in 2016, the National Economics Olympiad (NEO) is a problem-solving competition for Bachelor and Master students in Economics, organized by the study association AEclipse and the Royal Dutch Economic Association (KVS). The competition is organised in close collaboration with Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) and the Dutch Journal on Policy Economics (ESB).
Students in teams of three are tasked with solving challenging questions set by professors from different Dutch institutions encompassing topics related to the varied branches of economics. Over a three-hour period, these teams will attempt to solve these questions with the highest scoring team winning a prize of 300 EUR, the second place team 150 EUR, and the third place team 75 EUR. There is a separate prize for the highest scoring team of Bachelor students; being compensated 75 EUR.
2025 NEO details
To be announced
To be announced
To be announced
Meet the Team
The National Economics Olympiad (NEO) is brought to you by the AEclipse Internal Committee. We organise everything from sponsorships to olympiad questions and organising on the day. We are a diverse team of masters and pre master students from India, Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria and Nigeria covering a broad range of economics specialisations.
Special thanks to Robert Dur and the Royal Dutch Economic Association for their support and partnership in facilitating the olympiad.